
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hand of God?

David Seaton's News Links
“I was just thinking, this Gustav is proof that there is a God in heaven,” (Michael) Moore said, laughing. “To have it planned at the same time – that it would actually be on its way to New Orleans for day one of the Republican Convention, up in the Twin Cities – at the top of the Mississippi River.” Business & Media Institute
That's one way of looking at it, but I just read this over on CNN:
President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney will not attend the GOP convention in St. Paul, Minnesota, because of Hurricane Gustav, White House press secretary Dana Perino said Sunday.(...) A senior McCain source said Saturday that officials were considering turning the convention into a massive telethon to raise money for the Red Cross and other agencies to help with hurricane aid. "He wants to do something service oriented if and when the storm hits and it's as bad as it's expected to be now," the McCain source said. They are also hoping to get McCain himself to a storm-affected area as soon as possible. McCain had suggested to a Fox News interviewer that the convention could be suspended if it seemed that a festive gathering was inappropriate in light of the destruction the storm may bring.
So, it turns out that the hand of God will keep both Bush and Cheney from attending the convention... Don't you think that keeping those two politically poisonous individuals away from the convention is something McCain would have been down on his knees praying for?

You bet!

And wouldn't you say having the entire media fixed both on Gustav and the Republican convention 24/7, that this is a God given opportunity for McCain be all over the news cycle and to look, proactive, competent, compassionate and presidential?

A chance for McCain at the scene of one of Bush's greatest disasters, to be "McDifferent" and not McSame?

If I were an Evangelical, which thank God I'm not, I would gather from all this that our Father in heaven is mightily pleased with McCain's Veep pick. DS

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sisyphus: back on the rock pile

David Seaton's News Links
Dear readers, I am back from a richly deserved rest and find myself hot to trot.

Having been totally away from the net, I have a little catching up to do.

I'll try to have something up by Monday the first of September, probably about the war in the
Caucasus... too early to tell.

I had a nice vacation, read a couple of good books and watched our young tiger cat have in his first summer in the country, where he earned the titles, "Hammer of Field Mice" and "Destroyer of Flies". Aside from watching eagles and enormous buzzards circle the sky, I did little else.

It's good to be back. Which is really what vacations are all about. DS