Monday, November 20, 2006

"Human Shields" in the Jerusalem Post

David Seaton's News Links
This article from the rightwing, Israeli, English language Newspaper, Jerusalem Post, gives some of the true flavor of what is going on. I've underlined a few choice phrases. DS
Abstract: Palestinian residents flocked to the home of a Hamas militant Monday to prevent the Israeli army from carrying out an airstrike.(...) The army had no immediate comment on Monday's incident. But military officials have said they do not yet know how to deal with the issue. Fearing militants will continue to exploit civilians as human shields around terror targets in the Gaza Strip, a high-ranking officer said Sunday that the IDF was prepared to launch ground raids into the Palestinian territory to demolish buildings that could not be destroyed in airstrikes.(...) The incident in Beit Lahiya on Sunday was the first time Palestinians have tried to prevent such an air strike and represents, officials said, a change in tactics to try and prevent the IAF missile strikes. "These human shields will not stop us from reaching every target of ours," an IDF officer told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday. "If we can't get to the target by air due to the human shields, we will reach it by ground and the Palestinians will pay a heavy price." The officer said that the Air Force as well as the Operations Directorate has not given up using the "phone-call tactic" and would continue to call Palestinians before bombing a civilian area. The IDF might however, he added, change the amount of time it gave the Palestinians to evacuate the area.(...) "Since July, Israel has destroyed 58 houses in the Gaza Strip," said a senior Hamas official. "More than 240 people have been left without a roof." In the last three days alone, eight houses were targeted, as well as two workshops, a library and a charity run by Rasha Rantisi, widow of slain Hamas leader Abdel Aziz Rantisi. The demolition of the houses has created tremendous pressure on the Hamas-led government, which is being forced to find alternative housing for those who lost their homes. The plight of the new "refugees" is amplified by the fact that most people in the Gaza Strip are afraid to host the fugitives and their families for fear that their houses would also be targeted by the IDF. (emphasis mine) READ IT ALL

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